AI based Parking Management Solution


Open surface lots are difficult to manage for operators as well as Cities! The number of spots on these lots tend to be smaller; Lots of size 20 to 40 spot are spread across the downtown core of many Cities!

One of the key challenges for Operators and Cities alike is to find out the occupancy of surface lots and curb side parking. Having a real time occupancy count helps them to
1) direct traffic to reduce congestion
2) find number of violations and enforce efficiently
3) implement dynamic pricing to optimize revenue generation
4) provide reservation for spots through online platforms

Solutions that are in market today are cost-prohibitive, difficult to install and cumbersome to maintain. Uncanny Vision’s single camera spot Occupancy is a great fit for surface lots as well as Curb-Side parking occupancy counts. Look at our Occupancy count implementation at a parking lot in Chicago.

Visit our website or reach out to to learn more!

Parking Management

Detection of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) using Artificial Intelligence


AI based Real-Time Occupancy Monitoring